Wednesday 23 November 2011

Folch Studio.. My new found love

I came across this studio in Barcelona when I was looking at layout design, and I love every piece of work they have.. I think I shall be contacting Folch

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Beautiful Meme Talk -

I really liked the talk that Beautiful Meme did, I thought it gave me something else to think about within my design, and that is the actual words I am using within bigger bits of text. And I should make this a bigger consideration when designing with type.

Tom from Beautiful Meme gave us 12 key points of which he worked by:

1. strongest way to convey an idea is by using words.
2. the easiest way to sell is by using words
3. copy and design are always at war with each other
4. hierarchy is everything
5. people like reading well written copy.
6. words make your brand human.
7. simple is clever.
8. complicated is stupid
9. tone of voice is a subtlety
10. it is your job to challenge every word
11. designers and copywriters should be partners
12. good designers can spell, great designers can write

Monday 21 November 2011

Yeyy! My work was mentioned on ImagineThat.. Some kind words from them made me a very happy girl! 

This also helps me and promotes me a little more into the design industry. 

Friday 11 November 2011

Conversation with Catalogue..

I was really inspired by the chat, and took a lot from it.

I really need to be more involved in the environment I want to be in!
Attend the event set up by other proffessionals and network with people.
Get myself out there and get known by others.

I had also never really thought about setting up myself before as I had always thought I wouldn't want to work alone, however I could see myself working with someone who was into the same design aspect and thought similarly of which we could work together.

They also gave us alot of information about places/ studios you can rent, where you can do this and also events that go on within leeds of which I am definitely getting involved in.

Overall a really good chat!

Thursday 3 November 2011

I found this brief when looking through twitter! Which is one of my favourite group of DJs and they were looking for a poster design.. I had an hour to do this and came up with this:

I found this brief on a website creative allies -

 To get myself more 'out there' and in the know, I am constantly on Linked in and Twitter. I really rate twitter to be able to keep up to date with what is going on in the graphic design studios that I would love to work at. Also some of the design companies have previously advertised their jobs on twitter along with any competitions and also collaborations and work they have done. Just keeping informed
So I really need to create a business card for graphics!

I am thinking I want it to be simple but memorable.. Therefore I am thinking about having my details fairly small then having a space to write something in it. But on the other hand would this work if (usually) when giving out bussiness cards you dont really have the time to be writing on them, although it would make it more personal.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

And this is where it started.. 

So I had a 3 week placement through the summer at M in London.
I really enjoyed myself.. but I have never been so scared to be by myself in London alone.

At first arriving in London scared me soo much I wanted to turn around.. but I am soo glad I didnt.
Tube in rush hour for an hour was interesting too.

But on arrival at M I was met by Ellen who introduced me to the team, and I met Manif. Manif showed me around let me know where everything was, and who everyone was; Manif was also the one who set me my briefs.

Whilst at M I created:

A series of posters for the RAF used at a recruitment event.
An storyboard for an animation - 8x4m LED backlight for a Xerox event
Web design for AGA
Presentation board designs for M to pitch to clients.
Photoshoot for AGA promotion
Photoshoot of the Olympic route to see the oppourtunities where graphics could be placed as signage.

I was also asked to come back down recently to do some paid work for them for a British Airways event.. and I thought the placement was scary! But this was amazing, and I was VERY flattered that M would employ me to do a photoshoot for quite a big company.

Monday 3 October 2011

A presentation of my 2011 summer.. Overall a very successful summer!