Wednesday 5 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

And this is where it started.. 

So I had a 3 week placement through the summer at M in London.
I really enjoyed myself.. but I have never been so scared to be by myself in London alone.

At first arriving in London scared me soo much I wanted to turn around.. but I am soo glad I didnt.
Tube in rush hour for an hour was interesting too.

But on arrival at M I was met by Ellen who introduced me to the team, and I met Manif. Manif showed me around let me know where everything was, and who everyone was; Manif was also the one who set me my briefs.

Whilst at M I created:

A series of posters for the RAF used at a recruitment event.
An storyboard for an animation - 8x4m LED backlight for a Xerox event
Web design for AGA
Presentation board designs for M to pitch to clients.
Photoshoot for AGA promotion
Photoshoot of the Olympic route to see the oppourtunities where graphics could be placed as signage.

I was also asked to come back down recently to do some paid work for them for a British Airways event.. and I thought the placement was scary! But this was amazing, and I was VERY flattered that M would employ me to do a photoshoot for quite a big company.

Monday 3 October 2011

A presentation of my 2011 summer.. Overall a very successful summer!